Sunday, December 10, 2006

Art Walk, Year Two

I have many images of finished baby items to post, but first, I wanted to share some pictures from the December '06 Silverdale Art Walk. This was the second year I participated in this event, but the feel was completely different from '05. Last year, there was a substantial crowd, and my hats sold pretty well. This year, well, not so much. It was a bit discouraging, given the amount of time spent preparing for it, but that's how events of this nature go. It can be a real hit or miss. Happily, the Art Walk is not my only avenue for sales of my merchandise any more. Cake, a small boutique in Winslow on Bainbridge Island, just started carrying my felted hats a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed, they will sell better there than at this year's art walk.

Well, enjoy the images (you'll see that Drew had some great prints for sale too, but he had the same luck as me) and stay tuned for more baby knits (only about 11 more weeks to go till motherhood!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"As I get older, I just prefer to knit."

-Tracey Ullman

Thought you/d like the quote.